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When my mother passed away last year, my heart poured out what I felt. It took the form of this poem and I dedicate it to all who have lost their mum out there. It is one of the most broken moments of your life, your foundation is shaken and it is hard to carry the hurt. The best we can do to heal this hurt is to carry on their legacy and embody all of their best qualities.


A cheeky smile a glint in the eye

A heart of gold I can’t help but cry

No one compares to the lady you were

That’s why now we just feel the hurt

My memories of you are just so many

You lived a full life you really did plenty

You travelled the world connecting with family

You spread your love and your light to so many

A legacy you left for us to carry

Your food, your smile, your ‘joie de vivre’

You were deeply loved for so many reasons

Your open heart let everyone in

We’ll miss you mum it’s not the same

A life without you will have some pain

We hang on to the memories and moments so treasured

To give us the courage to live life like you did

Your light is shining up in the sky

The brightest star to light our way

When feeling down I will look up

And know you are there to pick me up

I love you mum ❤️

Michelina Pelosi